Sunday, February 23, 2014


Im different(yeah I'm different) i don't care about grammar or spelling. I am just writing to write, if you are going to read this, don't! it probably won't make any sense. I am just writing off what ever comes to the top of my head(thats different right?).

 Why do we celebrate someones birth? isn't that a weird concept?

 I think that the color blue has always had a place in my heart because of the BYU cougars, even though i won't be going there.

 A straw is a marvelous invention, i mean lets put a hollow stick in a drink and put our lips on it and suck and the perfect amount of soda will come out? Keys on a keyboard, who was the idiot that mixed up the letters? i mean seriously, if the english language isn't hard enough, lets just screw all the foreigners over!

 i couldn't even imagine a chinese keyboard.

 paper, how do they get lines perfectly on millions and millions of sheets everyday? how are they cut so perfectly? does the blades ever get old? My last name should have been Blades actually, my dad was adopted and his parents last name were blades but he was sick of everyone cringing at the last name he has now so he decided to work really hard to have a good reputation for that name. He has done it pretty well and now its pretty well known in this world.

 My dog  is so lazy, he is laying there, sleeping, i think he might be dead, he sleeps all day and the only exercise he gets is when someone comes to our house and he has a heart attack and can't bark fast enough and loud enough at the door.

 That girl i like, yeah i had a dream about her last night, other girls were trying to get with me and she was my main focus and i wouldn't do anything in that dream to hurt her, so i threw all the other girls away for my girl. I think about her all the time. She reads my blog post sometimes, i don't mind. I like to let her know that i think about her. She makes me happy, Im going to miss her in five months. but until then, i am gonna enjoy it. 

all of it.

1 comment:

  1. "i couldn't even imagine a chinese keyboard." Made me laugh!
